So Mike and I like the way we chose to spell our baby's name for various reasons. (That is why we chose it the way we did.)
This is the problem. A couple people have asked how to pronounce his name. That is totally OK. We knew when we chose to spell it with one "t" that some people would think it is pronounced like the ski resort (Brighton) instead of like the country (Britain). The correct pronunciation is the short vowel. It could be written as Briton, Britton, Britain. You get the picture. I know that spelling his name with two "t"s would eliminate confusion, but we like our way better.
This is my question, "Is my child going to go throughout his life being called by the wrong name?" When you first read his name, did you think Brighton or Britain (i.e. long vowel or short vowel)? I don't think that we'll change it but I am curious to know if you think that we have doomed him.
Incidentally, a person from Great Britain is a "Briton" so technically we aren't on the wrong track.
Are you sick of me posting daily? Life in the hospital and even recovery life at home lend itself to frequent postings I suppose:)
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6 days ago
I thought Briton.
I'm sorry, I have no suggestions. Just do what you like. Lots of people of unusual names and unusual spellings.
If it were me, I would spell it with two ts. But, he's already going to have to spell out "Wessman" every single time anyway, so you might as well make it worth his while. :)
After we decided on Kalyn's name we found we had a lot of spelling options. There are at least 20 different accepted spellings, but we decided on Kalyn because it was simple and what we liked best.
I thought Britain. I actually have a friend with that name although spelled Bryttin and she's a girl, but I am familiar with the name and maybe that is why I knew what it was. Don't worry about "dooming" him. There will always be someone who won't get it. My friend always had to help people with hers. And I think it's great you have time to post. I usually don't have time to get out of my jammies before 11 or 12. My baby always wants to be held and doesn't sleep well. Count your blessings, and again, don't worry about the name.
I LOVE that you are posting often. I go right to your blog first, everyday!
Don't worry about his name. I've lived with Shayna (no long sound), Shauna (no u) and Shannon.... My mom always has said she should of spelled it with 2 n's, but I like the spelling of my name and I think people would still pronounce it wrong anyway. You do what you like, that's the joy of having kids... naming them what you want (of course there are other joys :o)).
I thought Britain. I think it's a great name! I'm glad you're feeling well. Piece of advice...have LOTS of tylenol for him if you're getting him circumcised. Andrew was in a lot of pain and didn't sleep well the first night after the surgery, so with Ben we made sure we had tylenol on hand. Hopefully the Dr will give you some. Good Luck! I LOVE the pictures...maybe it's time we have another one...I'm gettingbaby hungry now....
HI! I did ask Troy how you guys pronounced it. But as soon as I knew, I loved it and thought your spelling was so cute. Cache always gets called "Cashay" or "catch" I agree with everyone else, spell it the way you want and once people know how to spell his name, they will never ask again. It is adorable :)
And how great to have so much free time to blog, relax, etc. you deserve it!
I have a student at school who is named Briton. Keep it how you want it. He may or may not get asked how to pronounce it but that is okay. People always say my name wrong and spell in wrong. You just get used to it. He is cute!
Just so you know - when I saw your baby's name I immediately thought it should sound like "Britain" not everyone will pronounce his name wrong. He's such a cutie. I'm so happy for you all!
Congrats Mike, Marinda & little Abby! He is beautiful! You will just LOVE having a little man in your family! And his name is spelled just fine Dave and I pronounced it correctly the first time we saw it. We send our love and are so happy for you!
I know a Britton so I thought it was pronounced that way but the other night at Alyssa's shower someone said, Brighton. I told them I thought it was Britain. Anyway, it's darling...
As a teacher I thought you liked very clear spellings though...???
i thought "britton". i've never even heard of anyone being named brighton... wierd. hahaha. i don't think there's anything wrong with it, and, people mixed up my name and look how easy it is! Carli. sheesh people, can't you tell there's an I not an A. seriously, people sometimes think my name is carla. lol. and, katie was right about the wessman thing, holy, canoli. my whole life.. "there's no T in my name!" lol. now I have canata to deal with lol.
Sorry to comment again, but I keep looking at that picture of him and can't believe what a little chunk he is already! He's just so cute. I want to munch on those cheeks! So many cute babies are being born.... I hope ours is cute! :o)
Even the most common names are pronounced incorrectly at times. I've never been one for a bunch of extra letters, so I like your spelling.
He's already so chubby! I love it!
When I first saw it I said "Britain"--love the name and I hope things are going well!
I thought its was just what you wanted. I love the spelling and if you love it don't worry about it. I can't believe you are on the computer so much but we definately aren't sick of you :) Just don't expect it when I have my baby!
Should have said I guess right. I didn't make that clear. I knew a Britton too.
I thought short I immediately as well. Never heard of a boy with the pronunciation as a long I.
I thought of the country. I think that it is cute, don't be bothered by that stuff. It really doesn't matter what you name your child someone will have trouble with remembering, pronoucing or keeping it straight. Just do what you want!!! I love it i think that it is really cute!
You spell it the way you want. I thought it was like Brighton, but would have thought it was Britain if I hadn't ever heard of the ski resort. I think most people in the world have heard of Britain more than Brighton, so he'll get more Britains than Brightons. Does that make sense? I think your spelling is more masculine than with two t's so do it your way. Good luck with your decision? I grew up always being asked, and still do, how to pronounce or spell my name and it's not so bad.
Congrats on your baby boy. He is very cute. His name is very nice. I don't think he will have too much confusion with his name. Glad you are all doing well.
I think the spelling is fine and I never pronounced it any differently than how you did.
And when I saw it, I first thought "Briton", someone from Great Britain.
Meh, potato, potahto.
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