A few things have appeared here in DeWitt:
Talented paintersincluding my mom (who I've decided has single-handedly made it possible to move into this house)
A gorgeous "purple" (not exactly, but close) wall...along with some yellow, taupe, brown and soon to be green walls (and a mystery kitchen wall color - a mystery I would love to solve soon)
My car (Oh, how I love my car!)
A few things have disappeared:
Like this orange wall...(along with some others, but we actually kept the green bathroom walls)and the for sale sign in front of the house that is now ours:)
Binkie (or dee-dee or bankie, whatever you like to call it), but not totally...the first couple days we were working at the house, binkie was accidentally left at the hotel and Abby took her naps pretty well so we might try a binkie-free house, but I haven't told her that yet because when baby brother arrives we might find it difficult to stick to it--we'll see--so far she has done pretty well--she is still getting it when she sleeps at the hotel
What has not appeared?
Baby brother, but soon, I am sure
Relatives at RootsTech is now online
6 days ago
Glad you got your car! Your house looks so great! Kind of makes me want to paint my house--is your mom free? j/k! Good luck with the binkie and I can't wait to read about when baby brother comes!
That is great that your mom was able to come our and give you guys a hand! Let mw know how the binky thing goes, I think that Macey may have hers untill she gets married or something because I am dreading having to take it away! I am such a wimp :-)
So glad to hear things are going well for you out there! Miss you already!
Jack is officially "passy" free. We accidentally lost it at home and for the longest time he would ask about it. "Where passy?" "Put it?". He would then answer himself: "Car?" "Room?" "Trash". That lasted about a week and then no more.
Good choice on the orange wall. Glad to see your car has joined you.
We wish you well in the next few days. Can't wait to see the new little guy.
ok, so how did you get the blue tape on the baseboards so straight? It looks like it's one connected line? please share! i tape in sections, but your looks better. did you use a tape dispenser thing? where is the purple wall? it looks great! wish the purple in my room were that color? I'm impressed you picked your colors so fast!
I'm excited to see it all painted!
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