Boy, do I think I have cute kids.
Briton is doing great. ("Terrific" is the word used by the pediatrician. That is new for us. The first two didn't have the best start.)
We love having him around. And, um, the past two nights I have had to wake him up to eat at 3 am. Call me crazy (for waking him up). Or call him crazy (for sleeping through a perfectly good meal). I am not wanting to jinx myself because two of the first three nights he was home were not fun. He just wouldn't sleep so I am not going to underestimate his ability to pull an all-nighter again.
Briton has gotten a lot of attention the past week, but I sure can't forget about Abby. She is pretty fantastic. She amazes Mike and me with things she says.
Here are a few:
Mike arranged for Abby to be babysat a couple times this week by branch members so that Briton and I could get used to each other and so that I could take naps. At the house of a 21-month-old boy yesterday, she was riding a little trike and put an orange cone on her head. When the little boy said, "Hat!", Abby corrected him with "Helmet!"
This morning Abby was reading a book and I heard her say, "Book up down". I then watched her turn the book right side up. (In Kindergarten, we called that "concepts about print". Abby would've passed.)
We've only been here a month and a half and Abby will tell us the names of the grocery stores, point out the library and recognizes the street the church is on.
This is a wall in our house that has pictures of us as well as all of Abby's grandparents and great-grandparents. She can name them all (even the ones who she never met) and can tell you what state many of them live in!
Here's one more Abby-ism (a favorite of ours). Last night Abby was playing with her stickers. She came up to Mike and I and said, "Sticker go?" (That means "Where did the sticker go?") She started picking (really digging into) her nose and I got concerned. Then she said, "Sticker hiding." She told us a few times that the sticker was hiding before she was able to successfully dig it out. We laughed.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Warning: Shameless bragging about my kids
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:34 PM 4 comments
A few more pictures of our house
The kitchen:I really like this wall in the kitchen/dining room. (It replaced an orange faux painted wall.) I am currently looking for the perfect picture to hang on it.
The living room:
Briton's room:
The plan is to put a shelf across the back wall at the level the color changes (and to put sheets in the crib:).
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:33 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
I might want your advice, but I am not sure
So Mike and I like the way we chose to spell our baby's name for various reasons. (That is why we chose it the way we did.)
This is the problem. A couple people have asked how to pronounce his name. That is totally OK. We knew when we chose to spell it with one "t" that some people would think it is pronounced like the ski resort (Brighton) instead of like the country (Britain). The correct pronunciation is the short vowel. It could be written as Briton, Britton, Britain. You get the picture. I know that spelling his name with two "t"s would eliminate confusion, but we like our way better.
This is my question, "Is my child going to go throughout his life being called by the wrong name?" When you first read his name, did you think Brighton or Britain (i.e. long vowel or short vowel)? I don't think that we'll change it but I am curious to know if you think that we have doomed him.
Incidentally, a person from Great Britain is a "Briton" so technically we aren't on the wrong track.
Are you sick of me posting daily? Life in the hospital and even recovery life at home lend itself to frequent postings I suppose:)
Posted by The Wessman Family at 10:06 PM 21 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My baby has slept ALL day
We tried to do some family pictures tonight. I am sure that you can imagine how many we took to get a favorite...too bad I forgot to take Briton's binkie out for that one.
But here you can see his face!
Posted by The Wessman Family at 10:47 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Welcome to the world!
Briton Michael Wessman
born 2-18-09 at 12:33 pm
8 lbs. 6 oz. 20" (so much bigger than his sisters)
We think that he is fabulously cute!
Posted by The Wessman Family at 3:46 PM 24 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Indulge me...
I think I'll post some pictures of what we've been doing around the house. There aren't many people around here I can show it to so I'll show it to you.
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:50 PM 3 comments
Big girl bedroom
Here is Abby's room:
When we closed, it looked like this.We changed the color of the accent walls to match her bedspread and unpacked.
This is basically what we ended up with. I think it turned out pretty cute.
The baby's room is really cute, and all the furniture and painting is done, but I'll post pictures later when some of the finishing touches are up (wall stuff and, heaven forbid, a mattress in the crib).
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:36 PM 4 comments
The play room and front room
Here is the bonus room:We painted it "Peach Tickle". I love the color! (It is definitely not peach-y, but yellow. It's a great color for a play room - that doubles as a guest room.)
There are a few finishing touches (of course) that I need to add. I am going to have Mike cut out some bead board picture frames, spray paint them white and then scatter them throughout the room with fun pictures of the kids and family. I got the idea from the Brimley's great pictures in their living room (hope you don't mind guys).
Here is a really undramatic transformation. This is the front living room. We just got rid of the purple, and put the piano and a sofa table in it. (I like purple, but not for this room.)I'll put baby pictures of the kids over the piano. Somewhere on the "to buy" list is a love seat or maybe a couple nice chairs to put in this room, but right now...just a piano.
By the way, baby brother is tentatively "scheduled" to arrive on Wednesday.
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:13 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Baby brother has not arrived yet. Due to the "prompt" arrival of both of the girls, we are a bit surprised, but Mike and I both arrived late so I suppose we deserve it.
After 10 days, my mom left yesterday. We will all miss her a lot. She was so helpful and we loved the company. Abby was terribly disappointed when she realized she drove 90 minutes to the airport only to find out that grandma was getting on the plane alone.
So, the snow is missing, but we aren't really missing it. This picture was taken on Sunday. On Saturday, there were at least 8 or 9 inches of snow throughout the yard and big mounds along the sides where the shovels dropped it off. Yesterday was 58. Today is supposed to be 50 and it is raining so the snow is all gone. (I am not naive enough to not expect it to return.)
She hasn't used the binkie at the house at all and seems to be OK.
In fact, yesterday we were walking through Ikea and I had to explain to her why she couldn't go into their playroom (because she doesn't wear big girl panties). We had a very nice installment of the ongoing what big girls do versus what babies do conversation. She volunteered that baby brother would need a binkie and it didn't seem to bother her that she doesn't have one.
She told me this morning that her binkies were at the hotel. I didn't lie to her, but I also didn't tell her where they really are.
There is a small problem though. According to my mom, who slept in the same room as Abby at the hotel, each morning at around 5 or 6 she'd wake up, find the binkie and go back to sleep. She is still waking up at that unsightly hour, but forgetting the fall back to sleep part. My mom was really nice and let Abby go into the room she was in and crawl in bed with her while Mike and I slept oblivious downstairs.
Grandma is gone, so Abby came down to our room "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" at 4:56 am. Mike let her climb in with him and as soon as she was asleep, he took her back upstairs. I can't complain at all because she slept until almost 9. I think she'll return to her great sleeping habits soon.
(I cannot complain. Abby is a fabulous sleeper even when she is waking up at 5 or 6.)
Posted by The Wessman Family at 11:09 AM 12 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Abby: Uh, baby.
Mike: OK, well then, what should we call him?
Abby: The phone. (I assume this means we should call him on the phone.)
Mike: What is his phone number?
Abby: Phone book. (Do those actually still get used? Oh, wait, I still use the phone book - so 80s.)
Mike: So what name should we look for in the phone book?
Abby: Baby.
Hmmm...isn't this where we started?
FYI--I really want this baby to come soon. I want my mom to meet him! He isn't here yet. We'll see!
Posted by The Wessman Family at 8:45 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
As if by magic
A few things have appeared here in DeWitt:
Talented paintersincluding my mom (who I've decided has single-handedly made it possible to move into this house)
A gorgeous "purple" (not exactly, but close) wall...along with some yellow, taupe, brown and soon to be green walls (and a mystery kitchen wall color - a mystery I would love to solve soon)
My car (Oh, how I love my car!)
A few things have disappeared:
Like this orange wall...(along with some others, but we actually kept the green bathroom walls)and the for sale sign in front of the house that is now ours:)
Binkie (or dee-dee or bankie, whatever you like to call it), but not totally...the first couple days we were working at the house, binkie was accidentally left at the hotel and Abby took her naps pretty well so we might try a binkie-free house, but I haven't told her that yet because when baby brother arrives we might find it difficult to stick to it--we'll see--so far she has done pretty well--she is still getting it when she sleeps at the hotel
What has not appeared?
Baby brother, but soon, I am sure
Posted by The Wessman Family at 9:20 PM 7 comments