Friday, January 16, 2009

Here are some randoms...

While we were moving:

  • At one point we thought that the movers had packed in one of a zillion boxes the camera and the garage door openers. Our garage had no way of entering without the openers so we would have had some significant explaining to do to S & K. (We found them not in boxes.)
  • The midwest (especially in the north) is cold. It was -9 this morning at 9AM. I have been assured that this is not the usual and won't last forever. (Tomorrow we are back in the 20s!) It hasn't been too bad because we don't leave too much. (We take Mike to and from work and run an errand or two on the way.)
  • In Murray, we had one TV in the dungeon basement. (It wasn't really a dungeon, but we didn't hang out down there much.) Here in the hotel, we have three. is a lot easier to watch TV that way.
  • Here are a couple things that Abby has talked about today: dancing lessons with Kaley; Grandma Kaye is in Idaho; Grandpa Frank is in Utah; talk to grandpa and grandma (any of them:); Ke-bim (Kevin), Tami, Brooklyn, Isaac, Jack; talk to Lance. She talked to Tami, Kevin and Jack today and that was lots of fun! (If you were not included in Abby's list, rest assured that she has probably talked about you another day and will do so later. We've gone through several times what state everyone is in. She's quite smart with her U.S. geography!)
  • Our poor Santa Fe must feel abandoned. It is still sitting at the car shipping terminal in SLC!! "Due to weather issues" it hasn't been shipped even though we dropped it off to be shipped 2 weeks ago. Poor, poor Santa Fe. It looks like we will be a one car family for at least another week. At least we didn't have to drive it out here:)
This is the only picture of the Santa Fe I could find and I think this post needs a picture.

Can I throw in a comment about our Santa Fe issue? While I was on the phone with the auto shipping company to get the latest update, the nice lady on the phone was quite apologetic. She assured me that as soon as the weather gets better the truck will be on the way, but...then she threw in "But aren't we glad we aren't the people in the Hudson River?" Like the rest of the country, I think it is a miracle that the plane crash did not end in tragedy. It really is! But, I really don't see how that relates to my car still being in Salt Lake?!?


M. Nelson said...

Yah, I don't see how the two relate either.

Lizzy said...

I love the picture of the Santa Fe! Hopefully it gets to you soon!

AbiAnn said...

I remember, as a kid, staying in a hotel while waiting to move into our new house, it was the best part of moving and the maid service and dinners out were nice too. Let us know your new address and who knows chances are Bart may be in your neck of the woods on a business trip this year. Good luck with everything and we will keep checking in on your blog.


Jen said...

That's funny... they don't relate at all. WHat a bummer you have to wait. We miss you guys already! Glad you are enjoying three tv's :)

Bonny said...

What a pain, but yeah, at least you didn't have to drive out there either. Lucky you. Enjoy the hotel:) I'm jealous