General Conference grounds me, renews my spirit and returns me to the basics of the gospel. Here are a few of my thoughts from today.
- Every conference since my mission (literally every one) I've thought, "Maybe this is the
conference that they'll announce another temple in Chile." My mission was the southern third of the country. I served in the northern part of the mission (for the most part) and they were looking at a minimum of a 17 hour bus ride to the Santiago Temple. The southern part of the mission required a plane ride to get to Santiago. I know its been 11 years and maybe things have changed, but on my mission, the temple was a bit of a distant reality for many. As of today, there will be a temple much closer. (My mission was roughly an hour north of Temuco to the southern tip of the country. The new temple will be built in Concepcion.) I am so excited!
- A couple weeks ago in a very powerful training meeting for Primary workers, our Stake President talked about the absolute need for our children to have spiritual experiences, recognize them as such and become very familiar with the workings of the Holy Ghost. I felt that message was reinforced today.
- LOVE - Love your family and love God. Don't feel unsure, awkward or embarrassed to express that love. God's love is infinite and eternal. (He won't take away consequences of our negative choices. He loves us too much to do that.) I was reminded of Nephi's statement from the Book of Mormon, "I know that [God] loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." When we know that God loves us, it becomes easier to deal with other uncertainties in our lives.
I thought love was a big theme of this conference too! We are excited about all the new temples!
Such great thoughts!
I added you to my sidebar so I don't forget to check in on your cute family! :)
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