Sunday, August 9, 2009

Singing in the Rain

Here is another camping trip. We went to another lake. This one you can see the opposite shore. You can also see the bottom of it since it is so shallow for a football field or two from the shore. (This is Mike and Abby pretty far out in water up to Abby's waist. That is the way we like it!)

The kids love playing in the water and sand.

We love our tent! (We especially love that it keeps us dry since there was a crazy storm all morning on Saturday. There were puddles all around the edge of the tarp, but they stayed out of the tent.) I think that Abby would sleep in the tent every night if we'd let her. She is already asking when we are going camping again. We have one more excursion planned for the season in a few weeks.
Here is a nice little story. We packed up camp a bit early due to the rain. Our prayer over breakfast had included a simple request that we could clean up camp with a break in the rain. We were able to position the car, beach umbrella and tent so that we could unload the tent right into the car without getting ourselves or our stuff wet. Very nice. We knew that we wouldn't have that luxury when we were taking down the tent. Well just as we put the beach umbrella away and started taking the tent down the rain slowed down drastically. (It had been torrential.) We stayed dry the entire time. "Ask and ye shall receive."

Being that we cleaned up early, we drove home a different way and stopped at a hands on museum in Midland. It was nice and kindly priced. Both of the kids enjoyed the displays on music. (When the picture of Briton was taken there was some syncopated music playing that he had a lot of fun with!)
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Anonymous said...
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Jared & Melisa said...

What fun! You guys are always doing such fun things with your cute kids.

Bonny said...
