Three names I go by:
1. Marinda
2. Mom (what Abby usually calls me)
3. Minda (what Abby calls me on special occasions)
Three Jobs I have had in my life (try to share your most interesting ones!):
1. A janitor at BYU
2. A "whatever they asked me to do that day, but usually Accounts Payable" at my uncle's garden center
3. Sales clerk at Express
Three Places I have lived:
1. Del Rio, TX
2. Osorno, Chile
3. DeWitt, MI
Three Favorite drinks:
1. OJ (it's cheap here - I drink gallons)
2. Sprite
3. Water, no ice
Three TV Shows that I watch on a regular basis or when it's in season:
1. American Idol (but I'm not into this season...yet)
2. The Office (but I get irritated...)
3. PBSkids (no complaints yet)
Three places I have been (other than where you currently live):
1. Scofield, UT (my favorite place for a cabin)
2. Yellowstone (my favorite camping destination)
3. Some scattered int'l Air Force Bases that made for some pretty cool teenage family vacations
People that e-mail me regularly:
1. Mike
2. Mine and Mike's parents
3. Ebay, Amazon, Motley Fool, etc., etc. (maybe they are not people?)
Three of my favorite foods:
1. Whatever I have tried at this Midwest Italian chain, Bravo! - Mmmm, it is so good
2. Tacos or taco salad
3. Panda Express sounds really good right now
Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Briton's blessing in a couple weeks when our parents will be out
2. Summer visits to the "beach" on the Great Lakes
3. A fabulous 3 week trip to Utah this summer - Yellowstone, sister's wedding, family, friends, showing off my baby:)
Three places I would like to travel to:
1. England and Wales (Mike's mission) and the rest of Great Britain
2. New England in the fall
3. Another cruise
On a different note, this is my baby. I think he is scrumptious!
Relatives at RootsTech is now online
6 days ago
Looking at these new pics, I'm seeing some of you in him.... is it his eyes? I'm getting excited to see what ours is going to look like... 3 1/2 weeks, yippee!!!
Oh he's a doll! Yeah for your trip this summer. Hopefully its not too easy and I'm "alive" by then so we can see you.
Oops, that was supposed to be early not easy. Call it prego brain!
He he, the word verification is ditze. :)
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