Lately Abby has really "loved" a lot of things. This morning in the car she said, "Mom, I like this new library book. I love my book." As we were driving around, she saw a mail truck. She really is pretty enamored with mail trucks. (Interesting choice, I know.) She yelled out, "I LOVE mail tractors!" (I think I'll be sad when she stops calling them mail tractors because it is pretty cute.)
She also tells me on a daily basis that she wants to go to high school. (We can see the high school out our back door.) In fact, the first thing she said to me yesterday was, "Mom, I LUB high school! I lub, lub, lub high school!" I'll usually ask her where she needs to go before she can go to high school and she'll tell me "Kin-arten", but that hasn't stopped her from really wanting to go to high school. I think that she is just excited to go to school. Hopefully, it isn't really high school she is wanting! Does she really need to grow up so fast and does she realize what she is asking for?
On that note (growing up), she is trying to pronounce her words "correctly" and I am not too excited about that. Everytime she starts saying a word the "right" way, I get a little sad because we'll never get to go back...This week she was talking about a blanket. Toddlers are supposed to say "blankie" and Abby has always called them "bankies" but this time she paused before she said the word and I could tell she was really trying to think it through before she said it. It came out "banklet". It was cute in itself, but again she's growing up!
As she always has, Abby still loves to read. She hasn't been loving her naps or bedtime as much lately so I've been letting her read in bed with a lamp on until she falls asleep (which is usually pretty quick). Yesterday during her nap, I found her asleep cuddled up to stuffed animals on the floor with her bed covered with books. (She says she likes to have "plenty" of books on hand.)
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6 days ago
Cute stories!
So sad and yet so good at the same time. Just be happy with her progress and be happy you wrote those things down!
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