Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bike Weather

Abby and Briton are both enjoying their bikes!

The first couple weeks of spring Abby was really struggling with riding her bike and we were both getting fairly frustrated.  My neighbor (who is much more bike savvy than me) checked the air in her tires one day, filled them up and Abby took off.  I am pretty ashamed that I didn't think of such a simple solution.  She is doing really well now and Mike has practiced with her sans training wheels.  I am glad she is enjoying her bike!  (She really does wear a helmet - not sure how she got away without one in these pictures:)

Briton also started riding a little two-wheeler this spring.  We inherited it a few years ago from a friend. Mike gave it a bit of TLC and it is working well for Briton.  He is so little, but the bike fits him well and he looks cute on it.  He still spends a lot of time on his tricycle and big wheel, but I think he enjoys riding a bike like the big kids.


Stephanie said...

Oh man. If you get Abby riding without training wheels, I'm sending Skyler over for you to train! :)