Hannah is growing up!
This past week she hit the big 18 month mark and went to the nursery at church for the first time. We thought it would be cute to get a picture of Briton holding her hand, taking her in, but she just about ran into the room so that picture didn't work out quite as planned. I think that she had a good time in her little class with only a few tears when she remembered she wasn't with mom and dad.
She is talking a fair amount. Here is a sampling of her vocabulary:
- mama
- dada
- Abba (Abby)
- bubba (Briton)
- out (as in out of the crib or high chair)
- up (can mean up or down)
- baba (blanket or binkie)
- wawa (a drink - milk or water)
- hi
- bye
- Hannah (one of my favorites - when she wants something she screams out her name clear as a bell - it is very cute)
- ni-ni (night-night)
- tee (teeth, as in brushing teeth)
- /s/ (cheese)
- side (outside)
Hannah has a blanket that she likes to sleep with. She likes to hit sometimes. My other two have not been hitters so this is new territory for me and I must admit that I often find myself laughing at it (probably not the best way to curb the habit). Hannah has had a bit of a rough spring with illnesses. We are hoping that the last episode (ear infection and pink eye) are the last for a long time!
She loves playing outside. Here is a trick she's pulled a few times. We've learned to position her bike at a strategic angle so that she doesn't end up in the street.
She is adorable and we are quite in love with her.